Pussy Willow

5.7 Gallon

The North American native plant Salix discolor, a deciduous shrub, is the most common species, though the European species S. caprea and S. cinerea are also sometimes known as pussy willow.

The furry catkins of pussy willows are one of spring's earliest harbingers. Though most often found in wild wetland areas, if you have the proper conditions, you can grow this shrub in your yard. Proper pruning allows you to show off these plants with maximum impact in your landscape.
Height: 6–25 feet 
Width: 4–15 feet in spread
Sun Exposure:
Full sun to part shade
Soil Type:
Loamy, rich
Soil pH:
Bloom Time:
March to April
Flower Color:
White with yellow stamens and greenish styles
Native Area:
Canadian and North American wetlands